доц. д-р Емилия Занкина

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Доц. д-р Емилия Занкина е първи зам.-ректор „Научна дейност” и преподавател по политически науки в Американския университет в България. Защитила е докторат по международни отношения в Питсбъргския университет. Има бакалавърска степен по политически науки и риторика. Работила е като зам.-директор на Центъра за руски и източноевропейски науки към Питсбъргския унивестиет и като асистент редактор на научното списание East European Politics and Societies.

Избрани публикации:
Rashkova, Ekaterina and Emilia Zankina. 2019. “Ministerial Politics in South-Eastern Europe: Appointment and Portfolio Allocation to Female Ministers”, Politics and Gender, First view publish online: 02 April 2019, https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743923X18001071
Rashkova, Ekaterina and Emilia Zankina. 2017. “Are (Populist) Radical Right Parties Männerparteien? Evidence from Bulgaria”, West European Politics, Vol 40 (4), pp. 848-868.
Rashkova, Ekaterina and Emilia Zankina. 2017. “Women’s representation in politics in South Eastern Europe: Quotas and the importance of party differences,”, Teorija in Praksa, 54(2), 376-393.
Rashkova, Ekaterina and Emilia Zankina. 2014. “When Less Means More: Influential Women of the Right – the Case of Bulgaria,” in Sarah Childs and Karen Celis (eds.), Gender, Conservatism and Political Representation, ECPR Press, pp. 103-120.
Rashkova, Ekaterina and Emilia Zankina. 2013. “Does Parity Exist in the ‘Macho’ World? Party Regulation and Gender Representation in the Balkans”, Representation, 49 (4), 425-438.
Zankina, Emilia. 2018. “Public administration characteristics and performance in EU28: Bulgaria” in Nick Thijs and Gerhard Hammerschmidt (eds.), Public administration characteristics and performance in EU28, European Commission, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=738&langId=en&pubId=8123&furtherPubs=yes
Zankina, Emilia. 2016. “Backdoor Politics: Politicization through Restructuring in the Bulgarian Civil Service”. East European Politics, Vol 33 (2), pp. 291-308.
Zankina, Emilia. 2019. “Politicians Are All Crooks! Everyday Politics in Bulgaria,” in David Montgomery (ed.), Everyday Life in the Balkans, Indiana University Press, pp 239-250.
Zankina, Emilia. 2018. “Nations in Transit 2018: Bulgaria Country Report”, with Boris Gurov, Freedom House 2018, available at: https://freedomhouse.org/sites/default/files/NiT2018_Bulgaria.pdf
Routledge, Central and South-Eastern Europe 2018 (18th edition), Bulgaria chapter, History, pp. 115-119, ISBN 978-1-85743-876-5.
Routledge, Central and South-Eastern Europe 2017 (17th edition), Bulgaria chapter, History pp. 136-140. ISBN 978-1-85743-844-4.
Zankina, Emilia. 2017. “Populism, Voters and Cleavages in Bulgarian Politics”. Czech Journal of Political Science 24 (1), 56-71.

Zankina, Emilia. 2016. “Theorizing the New Populism in Eastern Europe: A Look at Bulgaria”. Czech Journal of Political Science. Vol. 23, 2/2016, pp. 182-199.
Gurov, Boris and Emilia Zankina. 2013. “Populism and the Construction of Political Charisma: Post-transition Politics in Bulgaria” with Boris Gurov, Problems of Post Communism, Vol. 60, No. 1, January/February 2013, pp. 3-17.
Занкина, Емилия 2013.„10 ноември в паметта на политическия елит” (November 10 in the Memory of the Political Elite), in Българският комунизъм: дебати и интерпретации (Bulgarian Communism: Debates and Interpretations), Center for Advanced Studies and “Riva” Publishing, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013, pp, 55-67.
Zankina, Emilia. 2011. Transformation of the Bulgarian Political Elite in the Period of Transition. Its Impact on the Transition Process, ProQuest LLC, 2011.


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